
Our Mission & Strategy

Statistical Science for a Better World

The International Statistical Institute's mission is to lead, support and promote the understanding, development and good practice of statistics worldwide, by providing the core global network for statistics. 

Our mission and objectives are guided by strategic plans developed every few years by the ISI Executive Committee in consultation with the Council. These plans focus on our long-term goals and how we plan to achieve them. At ISI, we're dedicated to advancing the field of statistics through careful planning and practical steps.


Strategic Priorities 2022-2025

Encourage statistical communication and networking.

Increase the public voice of statistics.

Develop statistical capacity.

Securing Our Financial Future: Approaches for Sustainability and Stability.

Our Mission

ISI Promotes

  • To lead, support and promote the international statistical community.
  • To speak up in support of the profession on topical statistical issues.
  • To stimulate and disseminate research, best practice and advancement in statistical science and statistical education.

ISI Advocates

  • To promote an understanding of statistics as a force for improving people’s lives.
  • To foster the expansion of the statistical community within low and middle-income countries and regions, enhancing inclusivity.
  • To advocate for and foster statistical literacy, promoting the use of statistics and data in decision-making for governments, businesses, and individuals.

ISI Develops

  • To advance the development of young statisticians and to encourage the continuing participation of older members.
  • To foster and enhance networking among members worldwide.
  • To ensure we functions effectively and remains within budget by implementing strategic resource management for optimal operations.

Our Objectives

The ISI is dedicated to realizing its mission and objectives by actively engaging in diverse lines of action, with specific goals detailed as follows.

  • Promoting and delivering capacity development workshops in partnership with the associations and committees and activities that serve the needs of the community, especially from the low and middle income countries and regions.
  • Providing comprehensive support to our members, associations and committees through resource facilitation, strategic guidance, and coordinated initiatives to foster their growth and contributions within the statistical community. Together we work on range of tailored initiatives, including educational programs, networking opportunities, and resources to enhance professional development.
  • Collaborating and developing partnerships with national and international statistical bodies, organisations and affiliations to develop a worldwide voice for statistics through policy statements and strategic initiatives on a range of statistical issues.
  • Organising biennial World Statistics Congresses, annual Regional Statistical Conferences, various satellite meetings, and short courses. We support our associations and committees with webinars, meetings, and local events.
  • Publishing our journal: International Statistical Review. A flagship journal of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and its family of Associations. We publish research articles of broad and general interest in statistics and probability. Key topics include reviews of significant theoretical or methodological developments, statistical computing and graphics, statistics education, and application areas.
  • Publishing our Journal: Stat. An innovative electronic journal for the rapid publication of novel and topical research results, publishing compact articles of the highest quality in all areas of statistical endeavour. Its purpose is to provide a means of rapid sharing of important new theoretical, methodological and applied research. Stat is a joint venture between the International Statistical Institute and Wiley.

Join Our Mission!

How will you make an impact a member?

  1. Global Pioneering:
    • Contribute to the growth and development of the statistical field.
    • Advance the field on an international scale.
  2. Empowering Nations:
    • Cultivate an understanding of statistical practices in low and middle-income countries.
    • Foster progress through insights from data-driven approaches.
  3. Evidence-Driven Decision Advocacy:
    • Advocate the importance of statistical literacy as a foundational element in making informed decisions.
    • Promote the use of real-world evidence to inform and guide decision-making processes.
  4. Dynamic Collaboration Hub:
    • Function as a collaborative hub for initiatives in statistics and data science.
    • Cultivate partnerships to catalyze innovation and advancement in these disciplines.

Support our mission