ISI general assembly

General Assembly

The General Assembly is composed of all the individual members of the International Statistical Institute, together they
 hold the highest authority within the organisation. 

Responsibilities and Authority


  • Decide on any changes to the Statutes and By-Laws of the International Statistical Institute.
  • Appoint and, when necessary, dismiss members of the Executive Committee and the elected members of the Council.
  • Establish Associations to promote the mission and objectives of the International Statistical Institute in particular areas of specialization or in particular geographical regions.
  • Approve the annual report.
  • Designate International Statistical Institute representatives for appropriate events.
  • Decide on matters relating to the dissolution of the International Statistical Institute.
  • Decide on matters regarding the installation and working modalities of the International Statistical Institute's Standing Committees.


The Organisational Structure Includes


  • The General Assembly
  • The Associations
  • The Executive Committee
  • The Council 
  • The Standing Committees (Membership Election Committee & Nominations Committee)
  • The Permanent Office

Executive Committee


The International Statistical Institute's Executive Committee is composed of a President, a President-Elect, and four Vice-Presidents. The Director of the International Statistical Institute serves as the Secretary to the Executive Committee and attends the meetings of the Executive Committee in that capacity. 

The Executive Committee is responsible for developing in consultation with the Council the policies and programmes of the International Statistical Institute; implementing the policies and programmes of the International Statistical Institute; administering the International Statistical Institute's financial matters; determining membership fees for organisational and affiliated members; taking all final decisions on application for membership. 

The Executive Committee also convenes the General Assembly meetings; establishes and adapts the By-Laws of the International Statistical Institute after consultation with the Council; appoints the Director; submits the annual report that covers the International Statistical Institute’s activities and finances to the General Assembly; and takes any decision relating to the acquisition, sale and mortgaging of real estate.



The Council is composed of: 

  • Members of the Executive Committee
  • Presidents of the International Statistical Institute's Associations
  • Immediate Past President of the International Statistical Institute
  • A number of ISI members 
  • Director of the International Statistical Institute
  • Director General of Statistics Netherlands

The Council advises the Executive Committee on the policies and programmes of the International Statistical Institute; participates in the long-term planning process; assists the Executive Committee in the implementation of policies and programmes when appropriate; establishes and, when necessary, dissolves Committees and Special Interest Groups; and develops operating procedures for the International Statistical Institute's Committees and Special Interest Groups. 



The General Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee at least once a year. There shall be a meeting of the General Assembly at the International Statistical Institute's biennial World Statistics Congress.

The Executive Committee may convene special meetings of the General Assembly whenever it is deemed necessary. A special meeting may also be convened by a request of at least 10% of the individual members.

Members shall be informed of the date and place of the meetings at least two months in advance. The convocation for the General Assembly may be sent electronically or through postal mail. In agreement with the member, the convocation may be sent electronically in a readable and reproducible form to an address made available by the member. If a special meeting is requested by members (see previous paragraph), it shall be announced within two months of receiving the request. The International Statistical Institute's President shall chair the meetings of the General Assembly.



Decisions shall be made by consensus or by voting. In case of voting, each individual member of the International Statistical Institute shall have one vote. Voting by proxy is not allowed, unless the provisions are met in article 15: Amendment to the Statutes, of the International Statistical Institute's Statutes. 

Depending on the format of the meeting, voting may be done in person or via electronic means. Electronic voting may be organized prior to the General Assembly. Votes expressed electronically shall be considered as valid as votes in person at the General Assembly.

Except as otherwise provided by law or by the International Statistical Institute's Statutes, decisions of the General Assembly shall be made by a simple majority of the votes cast. For the purpose of computing a majority, abstentions and spoiled votes shall not be counted. In the event of a tie, the chair shall cast a tie-breaking vote.