Members’ News

Vijay Verma passed away

25 September 2018
in memoriam

We deeply regret to inform you of the premature death of Prof. Vijay Verma. 

Vijay Verma

Vijay passed away in Siena on 15 September last. Vijay chose to live in Siena 15 years ago. Having already worked and collaborated with the most important International organizations (United Nations, International Labour Office, Eurostat, to name just a few), offering technical advice to over 40 developing countries (or those in transition) he decided to continue his incessant activity as free-lance researcher or “thinker” as he liked to define himself, here in Siena. 

In these fifteen years Vijay collaborated by working as a Professor and by giving seminars at the three Tuscan Universities (Siena, Florence and Pisa). He was a constant and very precious point of reference for young, and not so young, researchers working in the field of Survey Methodology and Survey Sampling. In this particular field of research Vijay made excellent, complete and original contributions which formed the focus for many relevant and important official statistical sources. For example, surveys carried out by the ECHP and the EU-SILC of the European Union as well as recent contributions on international migration for ILO. 

Dear Vijay, we will miss your words and your precious advice but most of all we will miss your warmth and your unforgettable smile.