Calls & Announcements

International Statistical Review: Call for Nominations for Co-Editor-in-Chief

06 July 2023

The International Statistical Institute (ISI) invites nominations for Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Statistical Review (ISR). ISR is owned by ISI and is published by Wiley.

The International Statistical Review is the flagship journal of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and of its family of Associations. It publishes papers in statistics and probability of broad and general interest to researchers and practitioners in academia, government, business, and industry. The term Review is interpreted broadly. The journal also publishes interviews with statisticians who have made prominent contributions to applications, research, and to the development of the profession.

The journal has two Co-Editors-in-Chief and the current search is to replace Professor Scott Holan. ISI is moving to formalize the terms of the ISR Co-Editors-in-Chief to be four (4) years, with an overlap of the terms. The term of the new Co-Editor-in-Chief will be for four (4) years. They must be members of the ISI, world-renowned leaders in statistics, have a solid record of editorial experience, and be reliable as well as organized.

Nominations should be sent to Professor Hao Helen Zhang, Chair of the ISI Publications Committee, [email protected]. The nomination should include the name, contact information, and a link to a CV that includes the research and organizational background and editorial experience of the nominee. Self-nominations are not allowed. The deadline for nominations is 31 July 2023